Town Beautification Projects
The Club has been responsible for town beautification through planting projects since its inception. Over the past century, these projects have included:
- 1933 - Planting trees and shrubs around the Town’s memorial to WWI soldiers.
- 1942 - Landscaping what is now the primary school (then the new high school).
- 1944 - Landscaping around the community frozen food locker established in Washington during WWII.
- 1946 - Planting trees and shrubs around the Town’s memorial to WWII soldiers.
- 1951 - Landscaping around the Veterans Center
- 1954 - Re-landscaping the Green and the Congregational Church
- 1956 - Re-landscaping the school grounds after the 1955 flood
- 1955 - Planting three maple trees on the Green, one honoring club member Louise Barnes Bourne, another honoring Hamilton Gibson, and a third in the place of a stump of an elm honoring Frederick Gunn, known as the Gunn Memorial Tree.
- 1956-57 - Landscaping the new River Park, where the Foulois House stood before being swept away in the 1955 flood, including planting the Dawn Redwood tree behind Parks Drug building.
- 1956 - Planting Norway Maples along the walk in front of the shops on Bryan Plaza that include the Washington Market.
- 1958 - Installing stone paths and landscaping around the Congregational Church and Green.
- 1959 - Landscaping the Washington Art Association grounds after the current building was moved from flooded Main Street to its current location.
- 1959 - Planting trees around the parking lot between Bryan Memorial Town Hall, the Fire House (now Resident Trouper building), Canoe Brook, and the WAA
- 1960 - Planting weeping willows on the opposite bank of the Shepaug River from River Park.
- 1962 - Further landscaping in River Park.
- 1967 - Planting roses along Green Hill road from the Catholic Church to the Depot.
- 1972 - Planting dogwoods and shrubs, and installing planters, in front of the shops on Bryan Plaza that include the Washington Market.
- 1974 - Planting the River Bend nature trail on the primary school grounds for teaching children.
- 1975 - Leading contributor to the Native Habitat Trail at the Institute for American Indian Studies.
- 1975 - Planting a weeping cherry tree in front of the Gunn Museum in honor of longtime Club member and former president, Mrs. Conroy.
- 1978 - Planting new planters installed by the Town around the Depot.
- 1980 - Planting an historically-accurate garden in front of the Gunn Museum.
- 1980 - Planting 300 bulbs around the Depot and the Green.
- 1981 - Re-landscaping the walk in front of the shops on Bryan Plaza that include the Washington Market.
- 1981 - Planting a shade tree at the horse ring in Steep Rock.
- 1983 - Planting ramble roses along the fences in River Park.
- 1985 - Planting 2 clusters of birches in River Park to replace a dead chestnut tree.
- 1986 - Re-planting the garden in front of Gunn Museum with more colorful flowers.
- 1986 - Planting daffodils at the new Fire House on Bee Brook Road.
- 1987 - Planting a tree on the Green in honor of longtime Club member and former president, Verna Logan.
- 1988 - Planting dogwood trees at the Stone Church in New Preston.
- 2000 - Planting trees on the primary school grounds
- 2001 - Leading the project to create the River Walk along the Shepaug River on the primary school grounds, planting native plants along trail.
- 1933 - Planting trees and shrubs around the Town’s memorial to WWI soldiers.
- 1942 - Landscaping what is now the primary school (then the new high school).
- 1944 - Landscaping around the community frozen food locker established in Washington during WWII.
- 1946 - Planting trees and shrubs around the Town’s memorial to WWII soldiers.
- 1951 - Landscaping around the Veterans Center
- 1954 - Re-landscaping the Green and the Congregational Church
- 1956 - Re-landscaping the school grounds after the 1955 flood
- 1955 - Planting three maple trees on the Green, one honoring club member Louise Barnes Bourne, another honoring Hamilton Gibson, and a third in the place of a stump of an elm honoring Frederick Gunn, known as the Gunn Memorial Tree.
- 1956-57 - Landscaping the new River Park, where the Foulois House stood before being swept away in the 1955 flood, including planting the Dawn Redwood tree behind Parks Drug building.
- 1956 - Planting Norway Maples along the walk in front of the shops on Bryan Plaza that include the Washington Market.
- 1958 - Installing stone paths and landscaping around the Congregational Church and Green.
- 1959 - Landscaping the Washington Art Association grounds after the current building was moved from flooded Main Street to its current location.
- 1959 - Planting trees around the parking lot between Bryan Memorial Town Hall, the Fire House (now Resident Trouper building), Canoe Brook, and the WAA
- 1960 - Planting weeping willows on the opposite bank of the Shepaug River from River Park.
- 1962 - Further landscaping in River Park.
- 1967 - Planting roses along Green Hill road from the Catholic Church to the Depot.
- 1972 - Planting dogwoods and shrubs, and installing planters, in front of the shops on Bryan Plaza that include the Washington Market.
- 1974 - Planting the River Bend nature trail on the primary school grounds for teaching children.
- 1975 - Leading contributor to the Native Habitat Trail at the Institute for American Indian Studies.
- 1975 - Planting a weeping cherry tree in front of the Gunn Museum in honor of longtime Club member and former president, Mrs. Conroy.
- 1978 - Planting new planters installed by the Town around the Depot.
- 1980 - Planting an historically-accurate garden in front of the Gunn Museum.
- 1980 - Planting 300 bulbs around the Depot and the Green.
- 1981 - Re-landscaping the walk in front of the shops on Bryan Plaza that include the Washington Market.
- 1981 - Planting a shade tree at the horse ring in Steep Rock.
- 1983 - Planting ramble roses along the fences in River Park.
- 1985 - Planting 2 clusters of birches in River Park to replace a dead chestnut tree.
- 1986 - Re-planting the garden in front of Gunn Museum with more colorful flowers.
- 1986 - Planting daffodils at the new Fire House on Bee Brook Road.
- 1987 - Planting a tree on the Green in honor of longtime Club member and former president, Verna Logan.
- 1988 - Planting dogwood trees at the Stone Church in New Preston.
- 2000 - Planting trees on the primary school grounds
- 2001 - Leading the project to create the River Walk along the Shepaug River on the primary school grounds, planting native plants along trail.